Google to Rename it's Google Cast app to "Google Home"
On Tuesday October 23rd, Google held an event and released well amount of devices, one of those devices being Google Home, the company's competitor to Amazon's Echo devices. This device might sound familiar because Google unveiled this device at their developed conference "Google I/O" ending the presentation saying it will come this fall. It's fall and Google Home got an official, November 4th, and available for pre-order now. While the company is preparing for shipping out the device, Google is releasing its app for the device, well renaming on of its old apps. Google is going to rename it's old Google Cast app to Google Home. With the new app you're able to control both chromecast devices and Google Home. With the rebrand comes a new logo which will be release soon. Google will send out an update to people who already have the app installed and will rename it in the Google play store, the app will be released within the next few weeks.
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